What is Shockwave Therapy and How Does it Work on Foot Pain?
Shockwave therapy is akin to a deep tissue massage, except it feels like you’re being jackhammered. It may hurt so good, but you’ll also feel much relief. This advanced treatment utilizes acoustic shockwaves when breaking up calcified soft tissues.
The same treatment also enhances collagen synthesis, releasing growth factors and stimulating the body’s healing process. These steps keep you active by improving blood circulation and accelerating the healing of the musculoskeletal conditions in your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones.
Patients with this condition can avoid surgeries, steroid injections, and other invasive treatments depending on their injuries.
What is Shockwave Therapy?
One of the best things about this therapy is that it doesn’t require incisions. There is also no downtime — patients can see long-term results after at least three 15-minute treatments. This non-invasive process treats injured soft tissues, especially plantar fascia and tendons when they reach a chronic non-healing stage.
As a safe alternative to steroids, surgery, and injections, it is proven to increase metabolic reactions. The healing process starts by provoking the acute healing phase before it stimulates the pain-reducing enzymes. Because of this, this treatment has a high success rate, even among painful or chronic injuries.
What is This Therapy Suitable For, and How Does It Work?
Low-intensity shockwave therapy is ideal for the following conditions:
Plantar Fasciitis
It refers to the inflammation of your sole’s fibrous tissue. You probably suffer from plantar fasciitis if you feel pain over the bottom of your foot or heel. It happens when you overuse your foot by walking, running, or standing for long periods.
Patellar Tendinopathy
Shockwave treatment is suitable if you’re seeking knee pain remedy for patellar tendinopathy. This treatment option is ideal for knee injuries athletes suffer in sports involving jumping. It works by stimulating the body to start healing the injuries naturally. It’s also complemented with rehabilitation exercises aiming to improve the ability of your tendons to carry heavy loads.
Achilles Tendinopathy
If you’re looking for shockwave therapy for Achilles Tendonitis, you must first know for which condition it applies. One of the most common injuries involving one’s tendons is Achilles tendinopathy.
This results from an increase in your tendons’ loading activities like walking or running on stepper grounds. You can increase your Achilles tendon’s loading tolerance with therapy and exercise, effectively reducing pain.
Gluteal Tendinopathy
This specific condition is characterized by severe hip side pain. Tendons connect your hip bone and gluteal muscles. This condition gets treated with a shockwave therapy machine and exercises. The goal of the treatment is to lessen the pain and help the patient return to their regular routines.
Shoulder Tendinopathy
This injury refers to shoulder tendon damage that causes severe shoulder, arm, and neck pain. Anyone suffering from this condition knows that movement, arms lifting, or lying can end in excruciating pain. This condition is linked to poor movement patterns or postural issues.
If you’re looking for a non-invasive and non-surgical remedy, look for a rehabilitation center with a shockwave therapy device.
Hamstring Tendinopathies
This leg condition happens when the tissues connecting your thigh back muscles to your pelvis and lower legs get damaged. This injury can recur and become chronic. You must identify your pain triggers and manage them. The therapy can resolve your symptoms with three sessions meshed with personalized rehabilitation exercises.
Golfers or Tennis Elbow Tendinopathy
This common injury is often caused by repeated twisting or gripping strain of your wrist and hand. If you’re suffering from this condition, the tendons on your elbow are also affected. There’s no need for surgery in this case. However, injection therapy might be necessary for chronic conditions.
How does shockwave therapy work in this case? Therapy plus rehabilitation exercises help you manage the symptoms. Aside from that, they also stimulate blood flow, regenerate cells, heal tendon tissues, decrease pain, and restore normal function and movement.
Most people are fond of self-diagnosing and self-medicating. When you suffer from these conditions, asking for a doctor’s help is the best practice.
When is Therapy Not Appropriate?
An initial assessment should be conducted to determine whether or not your condition requires therapy. Low-intensity shockwave therapy may be effective in treating most musculoskeletal conditions, but it’s not recommended in the following cases:
If you’re suffering from a nerve or circulation disorder
If you see signs of infection
If you have open wounds
If you’re pregnant
If you’re suffering from a severe circulatory disorder
If you’re taking blood thinners
If the patient is a child
Say Goodbye to Pain and Discomfort
Some people sweep the pain under the rug until they can no longer hold it. They only visit their doctor when their condition gets worse. As soon as you feel pain and discomfort, contact your podiatrist. They can offer options on how to deal with your condition.
If you don’t want an invasive procedure, your best bet would be shockwave therapy. Check out Prime Foot and Ankle Specialists. Our foot doctor has extensive experience in various conditions, so they can offer quality service.
Don’t hold the pain in. Talk to us today!